How I clean my Makeup Brushes

[pullquote align=”right” style=”style2″ width=”381″ size=”14″ line_height=”18″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#222222″][blockquote custom_class=”” txt_color=”#222222″ size=”25″ line_height=”32″]Remember it’s important to rinse your brushes with water before putting them in the cleansing solution so that the brushes don’t soak undue amount of soap.[/blockquote][/pullquote]

[bigletter]For a long time, I used to wash my makeup brushes with pears face wash. But at times when my brushes were too dirty, a good amount of soap was needed to wash them. But using so much of soap was not a solution as it made the bristles rough over the time… So, I looked for various alternatives but nothing seemed to work. I had heard a lot about coconut oil and yes it came to my rescue. So how did coconut oil help me? Read on to know.  [/bigletter]

How to Clean

Mix equal amounts of face wash and coconut oil in a container. Rinse your brushes and soak the bristles in the mixture. You can keep them in the solution for half an hour. After keeping them soaked in the mixture for some time, wash your brushes under running water. If required, repeat this process. Remember it’s important to rinse your brushes with water before putting them in the cleansing solution so that the brushes don’t soak undue amount of soap.  Apart from the brushes your beauty blenders can soak in a lot of makeup too. Make sure you are delicate to those expensive tears drops.

How to Dry

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”]To dry your brushes and blenders sunlight is your best bet but if you live in a place where there is not enough sunlight or if you decided to wash them at night, you can use a hair drier to dry them out. Don’t be too harsh with the heat. And store all these brushes and blenders only when they are thoroughly dry otherwise bacteria will keep on building on the brushes..[/dropcap]


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How I clean my Makeup Brushes