Home Remedies for Skin

[pullquote align=”right” style=”style2″ width=”381″ size=”14″ line_height=”18″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#222222″][blockquote custom_class=”” txt_color=”#222222″ size=”25″ line_height=”32″]After using these home remedies complete your skin care process with a good
quality moisturiser.[/blockquote][/pullquote]

[bigletter]As we age our skin needs more nourishment than it had been used to. I would suggest you need to start taking care of your skin as soon as in your early twenties.
Here are some DIY face nourishing methods I use.[/bigletter]

Sandalwood with Multani Mitti and Almond Oil

Yes, this is the face pack that works wonders for me. Mix one tsp. of sandalwood powder with one tsp. of Multani Mitti and a few drops of almond oil. Mix it well and create a paste by adding water. Apply the paste and wash away after it dries. I will say this is the magic potion which helped me say good bye to my acne and dry skin.

Tomato & Yogurt

Tomato is another ingredient that works well to get that glow on your face.  Just blend a tomato and apply it on the face like a scrub and massage for half a minute. You can then leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes.  Wash it off for healthier-looking skin. 
Also, a bit of yoghurt massaged on the face works really well when your skin is dehydrated.

Almond Oil & Olive Oil

If you want nourishment on those chilly winter days, massage your face with a mixture of one teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of almond oil. Massaging with delicate circular motion will help remove toxins from your skin. You can wash your face with lukewarm water after keeping it on for good 20 minutes.  This will help if your skin is dehydrated.

After using these home remedies complete your skin care process with a good quality moisturizer. If you are doing these remedies at night complete it with a good quality night cream.


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